The difference between a normal singing lesson and a masterclass is the setup.
In a masterclass, all the vocal students (and often spectators) watch and listen as the master – Lisa Lockland-Bell takes one student at a time. The singer performs a single piece while Lisa guides them with skills on how to improve; often including anecdotes about the composer, demonstrations of how to sing certain passages, and explanations of common technical errors. The singer is then expected to sing the song again, in light of Lisa’s comments and may be asked to sing a passage repeatedly. Masterclasses tend to focus on the finer details of singing – tone, phrasing, breath support, posture, interpretation etc.
Each student is expected to already have complete control of more basic elements such as rhythm and pitch. The value of the masterclass set up is that all students can benefit from Lisa’s comments on each song.
Aimed at:
- Singers – professional and amateur
- Students of voice
- Public Speakers
- Vocal coaches
- Voice therapists
- Actors
- Choral members
Perfect for
- Performance and competition preparation.
- Experiencing demonstrations, identifying and resolving problem areas.
- Analysing the art of singing.
- Developing new vocal skills.
- Asking Lisa direct questions.
Eisteddfod Masterclass
Have you thought about offering a master class to your competitors?
As an optional extra to Lisa’s Adjudication appointment, she can run a public masterclass to work with select Eisteddfod competitors.
This is a unique opportunity to work with “A Master” in her field. Her ability to effectively communicate performance strategies, skill based technique and self confidence issues has to be seen. It is an up close and intimate journey of discovery as she meticulously works with each singer imparting and sharing her craft. You will come away feeling uplifted, informed, inspired, and motivated.
The Masterclass is usually held within the Eisteddfod week, either before, during or directly after the Eisteddfod.