Dialogue is produced by using two physical mechanisms, breath and articulators. Today we look at the articulators which include your tongue, teeth and palate. These, combined with the shape, speed and control of your lips, will dictate the quality of the speech sounds created.
Is that the same as pronunciation?
Articulation focuses on producing individual sounds. Examples include the “p/f” sound, soft and hard “th”, and the “b/v” sound. A Vocal Coach will use articulation to help teach and correct the way and manner of which vocal sounds are produced.
Pronunciation is the syllabic rhythm, intonation and stress of how words should be said together. For example, pronunciation will determine how the word “ballet” should be pronounced. In this case, with the rule of a silent ‘t’. Pronunciation also determines that the end of an interrogative sentence should be said in a rising intonation.
It’s how you say it
Public speakers, lawyers, hosts and singers already know that good articulation is crucial to their chosen careers. It doesn’t matter what you know unless you can say and present it properly.
Creating a powerful visual presentation is useless if you are unable to deliver it with an equally convincing and compelling speech. Powerful world leaders spend hours rehearsing their speech, intonation and articulation. Politicians know that aside from a powerful platform, how they deliver an idea to the audience is crucial.
People who have chosen a path that requires less talking also benefit from good articulation. It is part of a person’s brand image. Business owners, entrepreneurs and even CEO’s will find that the better they speak, the easier it is to close deals and lead people.
Details matter
Know that good vocabulary, proper use of power words and establishing good rapport are also skills that you need to master. However, without proper articulation, good pronunciation is impossible. A great vocabulary is only good on paper unless you can articulate, and an audience or indeed your clients might be turned off with poor or average speaking skills
Do you want to learn how to articulate and more?
Articulation is one part of being able to speak with clarity and intention. I can teach you to connect with your inner self and start speaking with purpose. You will learn how to speak without long pauses, fillers and speak with power, poise and clarity.
To learn more, go to https://www.lisalockland-bell.com/vocal-giant-program/