Get out from behind the lectern and speak from the heart! ⠀⠀⠀⠀

Yes, I’m asking you to stop hiding. If you’ve been asked to speak anywhere, l can assure you it’s not because they want you to look like a fool. They really do not believe that “Mrs Mary Kafoopsipoops” from down the road is a better speaker than you, otherwise they would have asked her to speak.

They do not want you hiding behind a lectern reading a perfectly structured presentation that could have been sent in an email. If they wanted that, they would have commissioned you to write a white paper.

They have asked you to speak because of your experience and they know you will add immense value to their audience I understand that you are NOT a professional speaker.

However as a high functioning professional today, you need to be able to speak confidently across all platforms. But if you keep hiding, if you don’t develop your message it’s not going to happen.

You may not stand out as an industry leader. It’s time to develop your message, share your knowledge and become a professional who knows how to speak.

What’s one story you can tell, a story that introduces yourself, while inspiring and motivating your listener leaving them wanting more?

Not sure! Find out more about my latest Message Development program.